Friday, December 14, 2007

Why “ACTING”??

Hopelessness was clearly scribbled all over my little brain. So I decided to seek the vastness of nature to redefine my existence.

I looked up at the sky and it seemed to reflect exactly what I was feeling (the exact state of mind I was in). BLUE in bold times new roman. And the absence of the clouds, which are said to have that imaginary silver lining, seemed to underline it. Having been reminded of the miserable state I was in, I decided not to look anymore.

I decided to listen to the chirping of the birds instead. They seemed to be telepathic, reading out my thoughts. CONFUSION in capital. Either they were in the habit of cutting each other in mid sentence or were just performing a play and had conveniently forgotten their cues. Whatever it is, they forced me to reconsider my decision to listen.

Then I decided to stop making decisions and take action. So I started acting..;-)

1 comment:

Vijay Sundaram said...

I'm sure the people who have seen you perform at the thespian society would not require you to justify why you got into acting.. :-)

Its natural.. and you are good at it.. there is no question of "Why ACTING" .. ;-)